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Show your Support
As a charitable organisation, the VSC relies on your generous donations to help us continue to offer exceptional facilities and initiatives for serving and former serving members of the military.

Our two charitable objectives are summarised as follows:

  • To offer much-needed time away for personnel seriously wounded or injured during Operational Service, as well as for individuals facing significant welfare challenges, through the VSC’s Respite & Welfare Break programme.
  • To promote military ‘esprit de corps’ by bringing together members of the serving armed forces, veterans, and their immediate families.

There are many ways in which Members can support us including:


The easiest way to support the VSC is by making an online donation through our Just Giving page.

Alternatively, if you would like to speak to someone about making a donation, please contact the VSC Fundraising Manager on 07851 331669 or email:

You are also able to make a cash or cheque donation directly to the VSC.


The Victory Services Club are grateful for the generous legacy donation we receive from Members.

Meriwether Ball, one of our Members from the USA, chose to honour the memory of her late father, Claiborne M Ball, by donating a percentage of her inheritance to the VSC, as her charity of choice. Claiborne M Ball loved London and was himself a World War II veteran, serving with the US Army.

Read more about her story here.

If you would like to find out more about how to leave a legacy to the Club, please get in touch with the VSC Fundraising Manager on 07851 331669 or email:


If you would like to fundraise for the VSC by taking part in a sponsored event, whether you’re doing an endurance event, bake sale or any other sponsored event, we would greatly appreciate any donation.

To make it as easy as possible for fundraisers, we have an online Just Giving fundraising page that you can link to, which provides the perfect opportunity to encourage your friends and family to sponsor you swiftly, safely and securely.

We would like to thank you for supporting the work we do in providing military personnel with excellent facilities and a place to relax, receive respite and help relieve hardship or distress among serving personnel, veterans and their families.