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A message from the Chairman

Dear Member,

It is customary in London’s Club world to inform the membership about major changes and this includes when the CEO and Club Secretary is leaving. Nigel Beet has been our CEO and Club Secretary for just over ten years and he has submitted his letter of resignation which I have accepted with considerable regret. Nigel, who is not retiring, will leave the Club in May 2024 after doing a brilliant job. He has responded to and overcome all challenges that he has faced including keeping the Club open every day during Covid. He has been an outstanding leader who, with the team, has transformed the Club into what it is today, while remaining fully focussed on the delivery of  Value, Service and Courtesy to our members and guests and significantly increasing the number of free Respite and Welfare Breaks which we provide. In addition, he has provided exceptional support to the Board and the three separate Chairmen he has worked for, while also concurrently Chairing the Association of London Clubs and the Marble Arch Business Improvement District, which he stepped back from last year.  While there is still over six months left before Nigel leaves his performance overall has been hallmarked by considerable energy, commitment, and business acumen.       

The work to recruit Nigel’s successor has started and I will announce details about his replacement in due course.   

Best wishes,


Major General Seumas Kerr CBE

Rail Industry supports SAF & Veterans

Serving Armed Forces personnel and veterans participating in Remembrance Day services can enjoy free train travel to and from these events. This offer extends to individuals travelling to services throughout Britain on Remembrance Sunday, 12th November.

For veterans and serving personnel attending the Remembrance Sunday ceremony at the Cenotaph, they can travel to any London terminal for free on either Saturday, 11th November or on the day itself – and be able to return home for free afterwards.

To benefit from this offer, Veterans simply need to show a Veterans Railcard, a Veterans Oyster card or other proof of service, such as a Ministry of Defence-issued Veterans ID card.

Jacqueline Starr, CEO of RDG, expressed, “Many of our great railway stations have memorials to the thousands of rail workers who gave their lives in the two world wars of the last century.

“During this period of reflection and remembrance, the rail industry is proud to help the service personnel of today – and those that have fought in more recent conflicts – travel to ceremonies up and down Britain as the nation gathers to remember those who have died serving our country.”

Transport Secretary Mark Harper added, “Remembrance Sunday is an important day of reflection across the country, honouring all of those who served our country with bravery and endeavour.

“It’s right that our veterans and serving military personnel will have free rail travel to and from remembrance services across Great Britain.

“We remember the past sacrifices, but also think of – and thank – those who continue to defend our freedoms and protect our way of life.”

For more information, please visit Forces News at: https://bit.ly/forces-news-remembrance-rail-travel

Please note: Network Rail is due to undertake planned engineering works on some lines on 11th and 12th November and those intending to travel are asked to check in advance whether their planned journey will be affected.

New book alert! ‘Hazard Spectrum: Life in the Danger Zone by The Fleet Air Arm’s Top Gun’

Dear Members,

The Club has just been given by the author a copy of the book titled ‘Hazard Spectrum: Life in The Danger Zone by the Fleet Air Arm’s Top Gun’. Written by Commander Nathan Gray he tells of his service in the Fleet Air Arm and includes his account of flying 140 combat missions. In 2018, Nathan was selected to complete the first F35 take-off and landing on the flight deck of the flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth.

The book is placed in the Reading Room (on the first floor of the Centenary Wing) by the desktop computers. We hope that you enjoy reading the book while you are visiting the Club.

Best wishes,
Marketing Team

‘Samba Magic’ with the Band of the Royal Yeomanry


Sharing with our Members’ advance news of an upcoming musical event in London, this September.

The Band of The Royal Yeomanry (Inns of Courts & City Yeomanry), led by Band Sergeant Major, WO2 Richard Llewellyn, will be performing a very special ‘Samba’ themed musical performance at the historic Royal Military Chapel (Guards’ Chapel) in London. This event is entirely FREE of charge, with no sign-up required.

Event Details:

Date: Wednesday, 13th September 2023
Time: 7:30pm
Venue: Royal Military Chapel (The Guards’ Chapel), London, SW1E 6HQ

Music enthusiasts will not want to miss this fantastic opportunity to experience the Band’s captivating performance in such a delightful and distinctive setting. Just turn up on the evening for a real musical treat.

For more information, visit The Royal Yeomanry Band (Inns of Courts & City Yeomanry) on The British Army website at www.army.mod.uk

Summer Lunchtime delights at the Grill

As the summer season arrives, the VSC invites you to treat yourself to a delectable lunchtime experience at the Club’s restaurant – “The Grill”.

Our talented chefs have curated a scrumptious lunchtime offering, featuring a range of mouthwatering salads and light meals, including Chicken Caesar Salad and Warm Duck Salad.

Whether you’re attending events in Central London or simply looking for a delightful culinary experience, be sure to visit “The Grill” at the VSC and enjoy a veritable lunchtime feast!

Lunchtime Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday: 12:30 pm – 2:30 pm

To book a table, please go to the Member’s Area, alternatively call Food and Beverage Team on 0207 616 8351 or email catering@vsc.co.uk.

Message from the CEO – Duty Increase

Dear Member,

In the Chancellor’s Spring Budget on 15th March 2023 we were all told alcohol duty rates would be frozen until the 1st August 2023. The UK HM Revenue and Customs published a briefing note on 1st July which said that, “On 1st August 2023, the Alcohol Duty system would become much simpler, taxing all alcoholic drinks based on their alcohol by volume (ABV). This replaces the current Alcohol Duty system, which consists of four separate taxes covering beer, cider, spirits, wine and made-wine”. From 1st August HMRC have said “that the duty will reflect the strength of the drink”.

As this increase has been set by the Government, we have no negotiation grounds with our suppliers, and alcoholic drinks purchased from them by the Club after the 1st August will reflect the changes. Due to this you will see some beverage price increases when you visit the Club after the change date, although we will still offer excellent value compared to our competitors and the local area. You will be pleased to note that there will be no duty increase on draft beer or sparkling wine. Victory Ale will remain at £3.00 a pint; some of our bottled ciders will come down in price.

Notwithstanding the changes, over which we have no control, our commitment to providing Value, Service and Courtesy will remain at the forefront of our membership offer. The staff look forward to seeing you again in the Club and we wish you well.

Warm regards,

Nigel Beet
CEO and Club Secretary

Guided Tour of the Guards’ Chapel: A Special Experience for VSC Members!

We are delighted to once again invite our Members to another opportunity for an informative, guided tour of the Guards’ Chapel in London.

The Royal Military Chapel, more commonly known as the Guards’ Chapel, stands proudly on Birdcage Walk, located on the south side of St. James’s Park, and serves as the spiritual home of the esteemed Household Division.

This tour is scheduled for the morning of 22nd September 2023, with Members requested to meet outside the Guards’ Chapel shortly before 10:00 am. You will be warmly welcomed by the Reverend Deiniol Morgan CF, who will expertly walk you through its fascinating and inspiring history, intricate design aspects, and the time-expired colours displayed within the Chapel.

As we have limited spots available, we kindly request that you register for this event as soon as possible. To secure your spot, we kindly request you to either log in to the member portal or reach out to us at mem@vsc.co.uk.

We look forward to having you join us for this exclusive Member event!

RNRMC “Stand Easy” Fundraiser Coffee Morning at the VSC

Sometimes, it’s the smallest gestures that make the biggest difference. This sentiment holds true for the VSC’s support of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines (RNRMC) Stand Easy Coffee Morning charity event on 19th May, which raised a total of £50. While this sum may seem modest, its impact reaches far beyond its monetary value.

Today, the Club received a lovely letter of thanks from the charity’s CEO, Andrew Jameson, along with a certificate, recognising the VSC’s contribution.

Pamela Russell, Corporate Officer at the RNRMC, also expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all VSC members and staff who supported the event. She mentioned that the £50 raised represents a much-needed counselling session for service personnel when deployment takes its toll on relationships and family life.

Counselling sessions are invaluable resources for individuals struggling with the effects of military life. The opportunity to receive professional support can significantly alleviate the burdens and challenges that arise from work-related stress. By offering an avenue for service members and their families to develop coping mechanisms, counselling plays a crucial role in rebuilding lives and fostering resilience.

One key objective of the Stand Easy Coffee Morning was to raise awareness about the RNRMC’s vital work in the realm of mental health. By shining a spotlight on the challenges faced by service members and their families, this annual event fosters understanding and compassion within the wider community. Awareness initiatives like this are essential for breaking down stigmas and ensuring that support is readily available for those who need it.

If you would like to find out more about the Stand Easy Coffee Morning and the work of the RNRMC, check out their website at rnrmc.org.uk/stand-easy.

The VSC looks forward to supporting this event again in 2024.

The Star of Stone Spitfire Story 1942 – 2023

On 19th June 2023 the Club was presented with a print of the Star of Stone Spitfire aircraft. The photograph below shows the Club Chairman, Major General Seumas Kerr and Mr Geoff Berriman with the print behind them. The Norwegian Defence Attaché, Captain Hope and his wife, Mrs Tove Hope, were also present together with other supporters and friends. Capt Hope, who is a VSC member, was also photographed with Mr Berriman. The story behind the print and the Spitfire is a fascinating one.

As part of their contribution to the UK war effort the people of Stone, in Staffordshire, England in 1942, raised £5,000 to fund a Spitfire. It was named ‘The Star of Stone’ because the fund-raising meetings were thought to have been held in the Star Inn, in Stone.

The aircraft was flown from RAF North Weald in Essex by the Norwegians of 331 Squadron, a top Squadron in RAF Fighter Command. The pilot was Flight Lieutenant Karl Jacobsen from Enebakk, near Oslo. He was one of the airmen who escaped from the German advance into Norway on HMS Devonshire, together with the Norwegian Royal Family and Government.

Sadly, on 19 June 1942, Karl Jacobsen was shot down over the North Sea. His Wingman that day was Jens Műller, who was also shot down but survived and imprisoned in Stalag Luft Ill. He was one of only three who made it home in the Great Escape.

In 1996, an artist named Charles O’Neill painted a picture of Karl in the Star of Stone Spitfire, flying over the White Cliffs of Dover. A limited number of prints were made. In 2018, Mr Geoff Berriman, a VSC member, organised a project to celebrate the Town’s funding of the Spitfire, and to commemorate Karl’s service and his sad death in action.

On 21 June 2018, Flight Lieutenant Tony Parkinson MBE, a Red Arrow and Chief Pilot of the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, flew a two-seater Spitfire over Stone in honour of Flight Lieutenant Karl Jacobsen and also over Kidsgrove to honour the Spitfire designer, R J Mitchell. Geoff Berriman also flew in the two-seater Spitfire.

The Star of Stone Spitfire Project kindly presented a print of the Charles O’Neill painting to the Club Chair, Major General Seumas Kerr on 19th June 2023. This print can be found on the third floor of the Centenary Wing.

Too much on your plate? Everything you need to know about Plate Waste

The original article is published in Meetings & the Incentive Travel magazine.

Mark Field, Operations Director at the Victory Services Club, explores the challenges around plate waste and suggests steps that event organisers can take to reduce it.

There’s a lot of talk in our industry about reducing food waste, but I haven’t read much about plate waste – and what event organisers and venues can do to help tackle it.

Plate waste refers to the uneaten food that is left on plates after a meal which can include both edible and inedible portions of food, such as bones, skin, and peels. According to a study by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP), the average plate waste per person in the UK is 71g per meal, which equates to approximately 9.5 million tonnes of food waste annually in the UK.

While a lot of kitchen food waste can be re-purposed (bones and peelings into stock for example) plate waste cannot be re-used and is either wasted or put into compost.

I have seen first-hand the amount of food waste that can occur at events and much of it is plate waste.

Despite the best efforts of our chefs to reduce food waste when preparing dishes, one of the biggest reasons for plate waste is the failure to properly gather dietary requirements from delegates in advance. Our chefs are always able to cope with dietary requests on the day, but for every last minute dietary request they conjure up, there is a plate of uneaten food that potentially goes to waste – and this has a negative impact on the environment.

We all know that in recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of dietary requirements at conferences in the UK. This is due to a number of factors, including an increase in the number of people with food allergies and intolerances, as well as an increased awareness of different dietary requirements, such as veganism and vegetarianism.

However, there are a number of steps that event organisers can take to reduce plate waste at their events.

Consider and collaborate with your audience before selecting your menu
The demographic of your audience should influence what you choose; an older audience may appreciate smaller portions, or two course rather than the traditional three.

Sharing the menu in advance may flag up some issues too; if you are proposing lamb, but 50% of your audience don’t like it, you can then look at choosing a more appropriate meal option.

Gathering dietary requirements in advance
Meals with one or more dietary requirement make up around 40% of the dishes we serve at the Club – that’s a lot of potential plate waste.

Event organisers have a responsibility to ensure that their delegates’ dietary requirements are met, but they also have an obligation to gather this information in advance and to feed this to their venue.

By knowing in advance what dietary requirements are needed, caterers and venue chefs can prepare just the appropriate amount of food, reducing the risk of excess food being thrown away.

Offering smaller portion sizes
Another way to reduce plate waste is to offer everyone the option of smaller portion sizes.

This not only helps to reduce the amount of food wasted, but it can also be beneficial for attendees who prefer smaller portions.

Encouraging attendees to only take what they need
Organisers can also encourage attendees to only take what they need, by providing information on the amount of food that is available and what will be available to eat later in the afternoon break or at dinner.

They can also encourage attendees to take smaller portions if they are unsure of how much they will eat.

Work with your venue
All venues take dietary requirements very seriously and work closely with their clients to ensure that their delegates’ needs are met.

We understand that it can be challenging to cater for a wide range of dietary requirements, but our chefs have developed a range of menu options that cater to the most common dietary requirements including gluten-free, vegan, vegetarian, and halal options.

Turn your menu on its head
If you have a high percentage of dietary requirements, consider how you can adapt the whole menu to suit your biggest dietary group. Our chefs have created entire menus that are naturally (and not obviously) gluten-free, dairy-free or vegan. They then have a universal platform to add different options too – instead of the usual approach which focuses on taking things away and replacing.

Plate waste is a significant issue at events, and it is important for event organisers to take proactive action to reduce it.

By gathering dietary requirements in advance and taking other measures to reduce excess food, event organisers can help to reduce the negative impact of plate waste on the environment and ensure that their events are as sustainable as possible.

Mark Field is Operations Director at the Victory Services Club, Marble Arch, London. He also sits on the Venues of Excellence Advisory Board.

New Reciprocal Club Partnership in Paris

We are thrilled to announce an exciting new partnership between the Victory Services Club and the esteemed Cercle National des Armées (CNA). Through this collaboration, we have established a reciprocal club relationship that grants our members access to the exceptional facilities at the CNA.

Located in the heart of Paris, the CNA is renowned for its rich history, elegant atmosphere, and excellent service. As part of this new arrangement, our members will have the opportunity to experience the hospitality of the CNA and enjoy a variety of amenities.

Effective immediately, members will have access to the CNA’s facilities, including their dining establishments, guest rooms and social areas. This reciprocal agreement allows members to explore and make use of these facilities while visiting Paris.

You will require a letter of introduction which you can request by emailing the VSC Membership Department on mem@vsc.co.uk. Visit the ‘Reciprocal Clubs’ page on our website for more information.

We are excited about this reciprocal club partnership and the benefits it brings to our members.

VSC Sponsorship of the Royal Marines’ Golf Team

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with you. The Victory Services Club (VSC) is proud to announce its official sponsorship of the Royal Marines’ Golf Team in 2023, forging a valuable partnership between this great military sporting team and the Club. As part of this collaboration, the VSC logo will be prominently displayed on the team’s shirts.

With a rich heritage of supporting active-duty military personnel, veterans, and their families, the Victory Services Club is delighted to align with the Royal Marines and contribute to their sporting endeavours. Through this sponsorship, we also aim to raise awareness for the VSC, especially within the military community, many of whom may be unaware that the Club offers FREE membership to the serving armed forces.

But that’s not all – there is already much to celebrate! At the end of May, the Royal Marines’ Golf Team competed in their first inter-services fixture against the Royal Artillery Golf Team. It was a hard-fought battle on the course, showcasing great skill and determination. Captained by Lee Jones, the RMGA emerged as the winners with a final score of 6.5 to 5.5. What a victorious start to the season! We couldn’t be prouder of the team’s achievements.

To learn more about the VSC and its activities, follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram. Along with other news, we will regularly update you on the progress of the Royal Marines’ Golf Team throughout the season, hoping for their continued success.