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November 09, 2023


A message from the Chairman

A message from the Chairman image

Dear Member,

It is customary in London’s Club world to inform the membership about major changes and this includes when the CEO and Club Secretary is leaving. Nigel Beet has been our CEO and Club Secretary for just over ten years and he has submitted his letter of resignation which I have accepted with considerable regret. Nigel, who is not retiring, will leave the Club in May 2024 after doing a brilliant job. He has responded to and overcome all challenges that he has faced including keeping the Club open every day during Covid. He has been an outstanding leader who, with the team, has transformed the Club into what it is today, while remaining fully focussed on the delivery of  Value, Service and Courtesy to our members and guests and significantly increasing the number of free Respite and Welfare Breaks which we provide. In addition, he has provided exceptional support to the Board and the three separate Chairmen he has worked for, while also concurrently Chairing the Association of London Clubs and the Marble Arch Business Improvement District, which he stepped back from last year.  While there is still over six months left before Nigel leaves his performance overall has been hallmarked by considerable energy, commitment, and business acumen.       

The work to recruit Nigel’s successor has started and I will announce details about his replacement in due course.   

Best wishes,


Major General Seumas Kerr CBE

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