RNRMC “Stand Easy” Fundraiser Coffee Morning at the VSC

Sometimes, it’s the smallest gestures that make the biggest difference. This sentiment holds true for the VSC’s support of the Royal Navy and Royal Marines (RNRMC) Stand Easy Coffee Morning charity event on 19th May, which raised a total of £50. While this sum may seem modest, its impact reaches far beyond its monetary value.
Today, the Club received a lovely letter of thanks from the charity’s CEO, Andrew Jameson, along with a certificate, recognising the VSC’s contribution.
Pamela Russell, Corporate Officer at the RNRMC, also expressed her heartfelt gratitude to all VSC members and staff who supported the event. She mentioned that the £50 raised represents a much-needed counselling session for service personnel when deployment takes its toll on relationships and family life.
Counselling sessions are invaluable resources for individuals struggling with the effects of military life. The opportunity to receive professional support can significantly alleviate the burdens and challenges that arise from work-related stress. By offering an avenue for service members and their families to develop coping mechanisms, counselling plays a crucial role in rebuilding lives and fostering resilience.
One key objective of the Stand Easy Coffee Morning was to raise awareness about the RNRMC’s vital work in the realm of mental health. By shining a spotlight on the challenges faced by service members and their families, this annual event fosters understanding and compassion within the wider community. Awareness initiatives like this are essential for breaking down stigmas and ensuring that support is readily available for those who need it.
If you would like to find out more about the Stand Easy Coffee Morning and the work of the RNRMC, check out their website at rnrmc.org.uk/stand-easy.
The VSC looks forward to supporting this event again in 2024.